Thursday, June 29, 2006

Don't It Make You Smile?

I've been thinking a lot over the last couple of days about this post, about what I was going to say since I got the very good news a couple of days ago that my divorce is now finalized and I'm officially divorced. I guess having so much time pass has lessen the sting somewhat of having everything crumble in the worst possible way. I see where I'm at now, being the happiest that I've ever been thanks in large part to the great collection of friends and family that rallied around me when all the chips were down and having the greatest girlfriend that anyone could ever ask for and I can't help but to smile.

"No Matter How Cold the Winter, There's a Springtime Ahead"
- Pearl Jam "Thumbing My Way"

Friday, June 23, 2006

So Long, Farewell

Went down to lunch today and noticed that a few of my favorite lunch places are closing down next week. I'm not happy about this at all, its weird because I've been going to these places for a while and they won't be here anymore after next week. Oh well, I guess people move and things change.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

I have my yahoo home page set up where it has the weather forecast for New York City. Yahoo has been re-designing there site and when I was finally able to sign on today instead of the NYC weather it had the weather for Union City, Freemont and Newark.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Washington D.C.

So I was down in D.C. over the weekend seeing friends and watching the Yankees split 2 games with the Nationals at beautiful RFK Stadium.

So we get up to our seats and I saw my seat:

The view from our last row seats. Not too shabby considering we were up in the last row:

And then there was this douchebag. I mean if the Red Sox were playing the Mets at Shea I would not shell out money for a ticket to go to the game decked out in a Yankee shirt and hat just to root against the Sox. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

The Weekend and Other Thoughts

"The" girl and I went down to D.C. over the weekend to see a friend of mine and his wife and their adorable 10 month old daughter. Great times as we also got to catch 2 of the Yankees-Nats games at RFK Stadium but that'll be its own post later on.

So I was looking at the newspaper today and came across this:

Man slain in christening party horror

A Queens christening bash turned deadly early yesterday when three party crashers attacked a guest, brutally beating and stabbing him to death, cops and witnesses said.

Now if that's not the definition of irony then I don't know what is.

Tonight is game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals, maybe just maybe I'll get my overtime wish.

Its freaking hot in NYC, I hate this weather. I look forward to the days when I don't have to deal with this.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

About Time

It took a while and at first I couldn't believe what I was seeing but yes a Yankee pitcher finally showed some testicular fortitude and stood up for one of there players. Posoda gets hit and the next inning Randy Johnson brushes back the Indians catcher, he got thrown out of the game but it was worth it to finally see a Yankee pitcher step and protect his teammate. There's hope for this team yet.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Week 23

June 3rd Poster, Sensual Restriction, Slanted Building (unfortunantley it came out too dark), Powder blue limo, Union Square, Books, Yankees losing

Week 22

Vodka Coolata, Presidente Beer, My messy closet, Tourist, Morning fog, Pearl Jam June 1st concert poster, Meadowlands Arena

Week 21

Souvenier baseballs, Cup, Red, White and Blue Building, Buses and Trucks, Church, Roast, Queens Plaza Subway

Week 20

I still can't get all the images up but some are better than none:

So we have: Popcorn, My new cell phone, Play ball, Notorious Bagel, Wings and Plantains, My very old ipod, Roommate's Met cap.

Monday, June 12, 2006

It and Some Other Thoughts

Their was a great article in today's NY Post about what pro athletes have "it" and which don't. The it being that x factor that certain players just have that you know they will deliver in the biggest moments. Reminds me of a conversation I had with my roommate a little while ago about the same topic and how A-Rod just doesn't have it while David Ortiz and Derek Jeter do. Its crazy how you can find players in every sport who fall into one of those categories: Tom Brady has it, Peyton Manning does not. Mark Messier has it, Eric Lindross does not. It kills me to say this but I don't think the Yankees will ever win a World Series with A-Rod.

Last week "the" girl and I saw what has to be the laziest guy ever. We're sitting on a west bound bus, coming up on 11th avenue and we see a guy run to catch the bus which we thought was a bit odd because the bus was only going 1 more block before getting to the west side highway, anyways the guy makes it on the bus and goes 1 freakin' block. I mean, how lazy do you have to be to take the bus 1 block? I could understand if the person was handicapped or if it was someone with young children or an elderly person but this was a young guy. Unreal.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Check this out

This guy is awesome. Please check it out.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I Don't Much Care For You

This is my 2nd go-around with this post so I'll see what I can remember:

Some people that I don't really care for:

-People who just have to have long, loud conversations in public places. You know what? No one cares about your conversations and no one wants to hear it. If you must talk on your phone please try not to butcher the English language in the process.
-Seat Hounds. These are the people that bulldoze their way onto the subway, usually with little disregard for people exiting the subway, in their quest for a seat.
-Male Seat Hounds - There is just no excuse for that.
-Dumb junior high and high school kids. The amount of stupidity that you hear on any given weekday on the subway is almost comical. What are they teaching these kids in school? The sad thing is that most of these kids are probably pretty smart yet one would never know by listening to them. Even Sadder? They don't seem to notice or just don't care about how dumb they sound.
-Tourist. Yes, its great that they come to visit the big city but there is absolutely no reason that they need to walk down the sidewalk, 5 across at the slowest possible pace, stopping short to look at every window and building. Another tourist thing, if you're going to take pictures at a busy intersection, have your camera ready to go.

So that's my short list of people I don't care for.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Special Guest

I'm having "The" Girl post here today:

I recently had the pleasure of taking in my first - and second - Pearl Jam concerts with my "boy", who easily qualifies for the #1 fan contest. Many of you who read this, or know him in any capacity are well aware of this. First, and foremost, the shows were amazing and were worthy of what I thought was slightly over-the-top hype I've been hearing for the last 9 months. The crowd is so into it, and the vibe is something that is hard to describe. It is something that everyone should experience. During the course of the shows there were more than a few things I picked up about Pearl Jam, their fans, and the shows in general.


1. Pearl Jam fans do not like to be referred to as "The Jamily". Please do not perpetuate this habit.

2. The newspaper reviewers of these shows make some blatant errors in their writing about the shows. Talking to just a handful of fans would be a source of great quality control. For example, they should know that Pearl Jam always plays the last couple of songs with the house lights on, and this is no indication that the arena management is trying to send a message that the show should be brought to an end.

3. Pearl jam fans are extremely loyal. Talk to them and they will recount to you all of the shows they have seen and their favorite moments. They will also be more than happy to share with you their own bit of Pearl Jam trivia. One guy was telling me that Saturday was his 8th show of the tour - uh…there have only been 16 shows on the tour so far, so he's batting .500. Not only are they loyal, but their fan base is very wide as well. I spoke to a guy in his 50's and a 19 year old girl within 10 minutes of each other, and both had been to multiple shows on the tour already, so it wasn't like they were casual - or new- fans.

4. The crowd can really make or break a show, and not just the crowd in general but the few rows that surround you. One person might say it’s the best crowd ever, and someone sitting 3 sections away will say that the crowd sucked.

5. Each and every Pearl Jam show is different. In the two shows I saw I heard over 60 songs, 48 different songs, which means that only 12 were repeats at both nights. That is pretty amazing in itself since most bands do the same shows each and every time.

6. The mad dash for posters the moment the doors open is one of the more intriguing things to witness. It's interesting that people get so excited for a piece of memorabilia that, granted may be rare since they only have a couple thousand per show, but they also have no idea what it will look like until they manage to procure one. What happens to the poor souls that think the show's poster is ugliest thing to ever grace the tour? They now have to hang around the arena for the next two-hours waiting for the show to start. And I still say screw you to the guy in the green jacket that didn't think he should wait in line like the rest of us, and also to all those people that ignore the one poster per person rule so they can make 100 bucks on e-bay selling them to the true fans that didn't make it to the front of the line within 20 minutes before they sold out.

7. There are those fans that will go crazy over EVERY song, and sing damn near all of the lyrics without missing even a minor inflection. The guys in front of me practically humped each other every time a new song started from sheer excitement…much to my amusement. It was actually a lot of fun to watch the hard-core fans get really into the show. I mean hearing 15,000 people scream out "Get out of my fucking face" is something special.

8. Its pretty sweet that for someone who has been to damn near 20 shows, they still get to hear songs they've never heard live, and I am not just talking about the songs off the new album, but songs going way back. I think that is rare in music nowadays.

9. Eddie Vedder will be hammered by the end with those frequent chugs from the wine bottle. And when you see him jump around the stage you're just waiting for disaster to strike. And it almost did when he fell on his ass - hard - Thursday night and limped off the stage for the break before the 1st encore. You'll get dizzy watching Mike McCready on stage, unlike Stone Gossard, who is more like…well, a stone. All the members have defined stage personalities, and they are all fun to watch. Plus their solos rule.

10. Pearl Jam's fan club, known as TEN CLUB takes care of its own. For a measly 15 bucks a year, you get goodies like special records, plus the opportunity to buy concert tickets before the general public, and without having to deal with ticketmaster, or their ridiculous service fees. Not to mention that the seats 10 Club will get you are better than anything you'd get through ticketmaster anyways. They'll be great seats, with other 10 club members, so you're likely to be enjoying the show with a fun group of people that will be way into the show.

11. Okay so I couldn't quite limit myself to 10, so you all get a bonus item. Pearl jam has some of the best lyrics around. Just read the lyrics to some of their songs and you could learn some life lessons, and/or find you personal mantra. One example: "No matter how cold the winter, there’s a springtime ahead" - Thumbing My Way.

So, basically, I was blown away. I recommend a Pearl Jam show to everyone. If it's been a decade since you over-played that Ten album, don't worry, you will fall right into loving them again. It helps that you can expect them to play a few of those songs that made them a household name in the first place. And please, don't say anything about this new album being such a come back for them. They never went away, they've been rocking out this whole time to a mounting list of great stuff. Unfortunately, a large majority of us have been missing it until now.

Yes, you can add me to the already long list of Pearl Jam fans. I liked them before, but now I understand the adoration for these guys, and must admit, I am well on the way to being part of that group of crazies.

One last thing…San Francisco here I come. Now I am prepared, and expecting another great show.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Night 1

"The waiting drove me mad" - Corduroy

Well tonight is the first of 2 shows at the Meadowlands Arena (I so wish that it was at MSG) anyways, I'm really pumped about these 2 shows as I usually am whenever Pearl Jam is playing and I'm lucky enough to be going. Another thing about these 2 shows is that "the" girl will be coming along and seeing them for the 1st time so my music snob reputation is riding on these 2 shows, Saturday night's show I know a bunch of people that are going and a lot of them seeing them for the 1st time after hearing me go on and on about how great this band is. I'm sure PJ will deliver the goods, they always do.